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Impact of the Coronavirus on the Transport Chain

Impact of the Coronavirus on the Transport Chain

Impact and Restrictions

Lesezeit: 5 minutes | Thursday, 27. Feb 2020

Worldwide, over 80,000 people have already been infected with the novel coronavirus, and entire cities in China and Italy have been locked down. As the number of infected individuals is rapidly changing, researchers at Johns Hopkins University have created a website where the spread of the virus is graphically depicted and further information is shared. You can find the map at the following link:

Impact on Transport Chain

The spread of the coronavirus is increasingly affecting transport chains and slowing down international shipping and long-distance transportation. According to the Association of German Shipowners (VDR), charter rates for bulk carriers have partially decreased by 30 to 40 percent, mainly due to reduced raw material imports by China. Since various industrial areas have been completely shut down due to the virus, and factories are hardly producing anymore, they also require fewer raw materials.

As stated in an article by VerkehrsRundschau, BDI Managing Director Joachim Lang stated that "the effects of the virus are clearly noticeable in the global economy and the export-oriented German industry," resulting in several thousand German companies with branches in China being restricted in production, procurement, and sales.

Transport Restrictions in Italy

The coronavirus has also arrived in Europe for some time now and has had significant effects on the population and economy, especially in Italy. Authorities in various regions in Italy have taken measures to contain the virus, including partially or completely closing off communities and areas. For transport companies, this has clear implications for shipments to and from Italy.

Preventive Measures for Entrepreneurs and Drivers

Fundamentally, the same protective and preventive measures apply to the coronavirus as to common flu infections. Like influenza and other acute respiratory infections, good hand hygiene, cough and sneeze etiquette, and keeping a distance from the sick also prevent transmission of the new coronavirus.

  1. Keep hands away from the face

Your hands frequently come into contact with germs, which can then enter the body through the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, or eyes when touching the face, causing an infection. Therefore, keep your hands away from your face.

  1. Hand hygiene

Handwashing is a simple and effective measure that can protect against infection. Here's how to wash your hands correctly.

  1. Cough and sneeze properly

It's best to cough or sneeze into a disposable tissue or, alternatively, into your elbow to minimize spread.

  1. Keep distance

Maintain at least a one-meter distance from other people when coughing or sneezing and turn away.

Before using the toilet (especially in public restrooms), the toilet seat should be disinfected.

Further information and guidance can be found on the official websites of the Federal Centre for Health Education and the Robert Koch Institute.

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