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Improve driving behavior. Increase profitability. Reduce violations.

Improve driving behavior. Increase profitability. Reduce violations.

Train your drivers on the side

Lesezeit: 7 minutes | Tuesday, 15. Oct 2019

Support your drivers in improving their driving behavior, as even small changes in driving style can lead to fuel savings of up to 10 percent. Discover the benefits of driving style analysis and real-time driver training in BlueLOGICO®.

Driving Style Analysis & Evaluation

By installing a telematics device in the vehicle, telemetry data such as engine speeds, throttle position, cruise control, braking events, etc., are collected and automatically transmitted to BlueLOGICO®. Combined with data from the accelerometer of the telematics device and the altitude profile from GPS data, the BlueLOGICO® system analyzes driving behavior on a consistent basis. Business owners or fleet managers can determine which drivers drive efficiently and economically and which drivers have room for improvement. Additionally, evaluation factors can be individually weighted and customized to your company.

Motivate Drivers, Reduce Costs, Avoid Accidents

In BlueLOGICO®, there is the option of an internal driver ranking. Identify drivers who drive particularly efficiently and foresightfully and those who still have potential for improvement. This allows you to reward your top drivers and increase motivation. In addition to rewarding your top drivers, you can use the driver ranking to identify inefficient drivers and actively support them in improving their driving behavior. Experience shows that analyzing and evaluating driving style promotes anticipatory and economical driving. This can not only increase employee motivation but also save costs and minimize accidents.

Continuous Improvement of Driving Behavior

Once drivers are equipped with a mobile device such as the TachoEASY DriverDisplay or the TEOS® app, they receive live driver training directly in the vehicle in addition to messages, navigation destinations, and routes. Drivers receive direct feedback and guidance on how to adjust their driving behavior to optimize their tour, save fuel costs, and avoid accidents while on the road.

#Telematik #BlueLOGICO #TachoEASY #LKW #Diposition

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